Massive Monday

Yesterday,the second day of my Shiyi is a ........Massive Monday. 原本在2008年9月27日的晚上,我和严捷(我的同事,A nice lad)说好了在2008年9月29号的傍晚黄昏时分的六点在泰康路喝咖啡,坐着弄堂露天的晒台并悠闲自在地抽着烟、聊着天.However,从昨天下午开始,严捷就不断地给我制造"surprise".他带来了他"火辣"的女友.当晚的咖啡时间经历得不长,just cuz the Massive Moday was coming up to next.他之所以会带上她的女友,Oh,不对,应该是他女友拉着他hanging out:They was planned to partying with couples of her friends at Baby Face and then I was invited,so why not?Baby Face在上海夜店界是属于一流夜店,所以人特别多,而且你很难看到老外,BBF一直在上海Party Animals中口碑相当好,同时她可以说是家由中国人(中国大陆)自己经营最成功的夜店,她有超贵的卡座,漂亮的妞,看看她的颜色glamorous and such a blingbling!我们从10点玩到12点半就离开了,原本以为我们一群人回去"窜场",那是最Cool的夜生活方式.我以及和几个女生想去Windows、Live or BonBon,但除我之外所有的男生却在委婉地进行着抵制活动,于是很明显,他们取得了主动:坚决地要去KTV唱歌.Oh my!I'm the party animal,drink badly and have a crazy night. I'm not very into the Karaoke stuff.人民广场附近的KTV似乎都满棚了,我一直的诅咒有成功,我说了没有KTV就去窜场.但是,没有想到的是,他们似乎亡命之徒般的非唱歌不去,于是更绝的来了:他们决定去五角场.What?! You gotta be joking me!Heading the Yangpu district? Oh,no way....I think that the last thing I want to do is having a fun or doing anything in Yangpu,especially in Wujiaochang I mean! In addition, I finally found that they-all of these guys except for me-lived in Yangpu.Did everyone just play tricks on me? Just be easier to back home?So whatever,I wanna not be in moods.Mightbe it's also know,mightbe.我从浦东跨过黄浦江到了卢湾,然后是黄浦最后经过虹口直达扬浦.Oh Gee! What a...Massive Day!