I think I've lost the last wonderful Fridaynight before leaving this wonderful city!
My buddy Luc want me to be his company to go to Yuyintang where is gonna kick off a fabulous events.Yeah!I was gonna hang out with him.Everybody knows the Yuyintang is an amazing place that people like us have a crazy rockandroll night.Last night's event was the Miniless Experimental Electronic and We thought it really got us just like the Contributor said:Miniless Electro brings you experimental live with five Chinese bands, ISIS, Demmy, Confirm-X, CDGE and Tinnitus, rock experimental, noise, psychodelic, electro, dance, industral and power electro riffs for you to get your head-bang on to.So
what a wonderful Friday night it was suposed to be!
However, I made a wrong (totally) decision that:
me--"hey,Luc! I gotta deal with something, you know, the Tsingtao things.I wanna do some packing and preparation or something like that.Now it's due half past six,the time I was just home. Too tired,too hurried.So sorry,I was not gonna go out for the Miniless with you, sorry mate!" ( I felt so shite at that moment on the phone)
luc:"oh! pity! But it's ok,fine,we'll have the next time!"
You know I didnt go out for the lives show but for relaxing my body beacause it was Friday night I gotta do something.So I just got to the massage shop to do the footmassage plus body massage.The two threpies-foot massage and body massge cost me 50kuai in all. That was really cheap.
After the threpies,I just went back home and started waiting for my dad back from work(my mom was at night work) while I was sufering on the internet.Time went by seconds and seconds.In the end when the time was 1:00 AM,I was so tired to get sleep.
When I woke up this morning,I found I was still alone. Last I was at home alone! OH,fuck! Soon dad was home and he told me that he was in Karaoke Room with loads of guys at work.Oh!Jessus!You guys had a happy crazy Fridaynight,huh?
I reallized that I was a lonly,poor man last night! I am regret not hanging out with Luc! Lost the last wonderful Fridaynight before leaving Shanghai! Pity!