今晚在翻阅电脑里的相册时,陡然发现一张美女照,所以索性推出了久违的the photo of the day.这个女孩子和我一所高中,比我低一年级,可以说是一个校花级的人物,被我们封为"陈好".So I'm gonna tell you something about her,here is the story:高中一朋友现在和她在同一家公司共事,有一次公司同事们去新天地G PLUS开派队,经过精心make-up and dress-up的她当然是gorgeous,sexy,hot,passionate and become centre of tension.So what?
Loads of man came up to her and everyone wanna offer her a drinks.And what?
Noboday can bring her down and every guy were drunk.hoho that's it. Don't look down her,man!And don't look down any girls or ladies,especially the gorgeous one!
Plus: Her name is Vivian Woo.