
How Would You Like ISpyLujiazui In 2009?


This is it!

This is a new start for I Spy Lujiazui.

This is the first post for I Spy Lujiazui.

This is the time to say"Ni Hao 2009".

This blog is aprroaching its 5 months and add to my ex-blog"Hardly Can Take Your Eyes Off Here"@Sohu,can't believe I have already blogged for three year.Three years ago when I started my first blog ,I was a junior in SSPU(Shanghai Second Polytechnic University).But now I still don't under why I didn't start blogging ealier,I mean when I was a freshman in university.It is quite fun for me to share the experiences and everything I met I see in my life,then to record it by writting on internet.

Obviously,all posts that I write are not some kind of high quality posts,but it really reflects on my real life.You know,someone isn't very into my blog and some posts I put on.I think that it's always hard to be fucus on or write about a topic that most neitzens feel it interesting or feel something in common.

I am a Chinese guy but sometimes put it in English.First of all,I love english-writting,though my english is not very well.But I am trying to hit dry spells.On top of that,some bad guy once was "peeking" what I wrote as the way he could get to know what I am and what I 've done when I was using Chinese typing.Maybe it sounds great,I mean the blog can let everyon get to know about you and what's going on you.Unfortunely he just told me what to do and what not to do unreasonably.So,that's the reason that sometimes I turn into English-tpying.

Anyway,I am planning to continue to this blog and hopping you guys-readers of this blog-would love to continue to read ISpy Lujiazui. Just be my guest.

How would you like it in 2009?

Just put on your comment and tell me.
